Free Text SMS Online PH

Free Texting SMS for GLOBE, TM, SMART, TNT in the Philippines

Free Texting Online is getting popular and one of the most useful tool when it comes to contacting important person you wanted to text, what if you need to text emergency but you don't have load only thing you have is Internet connection, well! worry no more because Free Text SMS Online PH ( well give you this feature came from magTXT embed free text SMS in which you can have a free text online anytime anywhere you are.

How to Use this Widget?

As you can see free SMS apps is embed on our sidebar at the right side including here on this page, just type in the 11-digit number (ex. 09123456789) and input your name in order to inform the receiver that you are the sender since this free text SMS tool will use random number so it is important to specify your name, and then input your message, then verify the captcha just to make sure you are not a robot and to prove that your are a human, most specially to avoid spam on using this tool.

How To Send FREE Text Message to SMART, TM, Globe, or TNT FINAL

Enjoy this free SMS tool for Pinoy, you can text all you want here just access this website and enjoy this all the time, just share this also with your friends, one of the most popular Blog that provide free text SMS which will help you out in times of emergency or even if you don't have load.

Free Text SMS Online PH is intended only here in Philippines so if you are out of the country then this won't work since this is created for all pinoy users or visitors who is looking on HOW TO SEND or TEXT free SMS or MESSAGE to Cellphone or Mobile without LOAD online.

Most of the time you can suggest it to your friends who is having a problem on how they can text or send free message to their friends, family or love ones that they are out of load and yes this is the best alternative tool for cellhpone, aside that its free to use, you can enjoy using it anytime you want so make sure you bookmark or note this blog site for better experience please share this to everyone.


  1. Tried it by txting my phone... nothing ever happened so is fake or no longer valid

  2. Me also tried to send message my own number but it doesn't work it

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